House sitting websites australia. Toggle navigation. House sitting websites australia

 Toggle navigationHouse sitting websites australia Being a House Sitter offers a world of opportunity, not only to save money on rent, but also to get to know other people and new places

We also asked about their favorite geographic location for house sitting. In the 6 months that we have been members of a house sitting website we have spent 6 weeks looking after a farm in NSW, a fortnight in a house by the beach on the Central Coast, 6 weeks near Coffs. See the latest house and pet sitting opportunities in Australia at MindMyHouse. Australia is a popular choice for. Safe, secure & easy. A live-in Housesitter can avoid the tell-tale build up of junk mail, and overgrown lawns. HouseSit Search. Sort by: relevance - date. Aimed at Baby Boomers & mature age travellers, there is a wealth of information, reviews, articles and other resources to educate and assist people. Below listed are a vast amount of websites and networking opportunities, all aimed to help you cut the cost of travel. Cat and kitten sitting in Spain. Countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Costa Rica, England and France are very active and you will almost always find two or more houses available at one time. Once you have selected a sitter, you can work out the details of. Aussie House Sitters has been my main source of house-sitting opportunities, with 20+ successful house sits on the site. How these costs are handled needs to be agreed before the sit begins. Mindahome UK. Unlimited pet care. With a history that dates back to the first European settlement in. 00 per year, Luxury House Sitting is one of the most affordable house sitting sites to subscribe to. They started connecting homeowners and house sitters in 2000 and have now an extensive worldwide house-sitting directory. The first step was to find the best house sitting website to join. Mindahome Australia. A lived-in house is more secure and deters burglars. Quickly find your next house sitting job in Spain from multiple websites, with powerful filters for pets, locations, dates, and duration. Facebook is another good source of house-sitting groups. HouseSit Search. From coastal havens in St Kilda to hipster paradises in Fitzroy, explore 15 diverse areas for a memorable house sitting experience in Melbourne. K. We have been helping home owners find great house sitters since 1993. If you are interested in house sitting or in finding a house and pet sitter, Aussie House Sitters offers a safe and secure platform, backed by friendly support. You need a trusted website with a large pool of diversified. House sitters can charge for their service or sit for free (in exchange for rent-free accommodation). Be honest with the homeowner why you want to house sit in London. United Kingdom. Third place was also a tie between Ireland and the UK. Find loving in-home care for your pets. Housesitmatch. If you’re looking for one of the top house sitting websites in Europe, look no further than House Sitters UK. (5) Last minute. Tierliebe und -gesellschaft: Wenn du gerne Zeit mit Haustieren verbringst, ist Housesitting ideal für dich. These sites permit property owners from around the world to message their very own home resting. If you are looking for the perfect person to care for your home and pets while you are away, then you have come to the right place. That alone could save you money, which equals pay in a way. Home Owners have peace of mind knowing that their home is in safe hands. Below is a list of house sitting websites where you can for house-sitting assignments. Show your personality. , Europe, parts of South America, Australia, and a few countries in Africa and Asia. KiwiHousesitters. Graham & Jillian are baby boomer generation, like to travel in Australia,. Below is a list of the most used and trusted house sitting websites available today as well as answers to commonly asked questions. They refer to Australia as the land down under, but for a house sitting position it's more like out of this world. Mindahome UK. Whether you’re in search of dog sitters, cat sitters, or any other pet sitters, our trusted network connects you with caring individuals who offer their services without charging for travel. Quickly find your next house sitting job in Thailand from multiple websites, with powerful filters for pets, locations, dates, and duration. e. (51 nights) 1d. Write an introductory message. trustedhousesitters. Connecting travel and pet lovers around the world. All Mindahome members receive our free ‘Guide to House Sitting’ eBook – an invaluable tool for new and experienced home owners and sitters. A Police Certificate is a document you can request via your local police or government agency. 1998 – Australia’s first house sitting website. United Kingdom. If the house sitter is coming from outside of Australia then a visa check needs to happen to ensure commitments are within the agreed visa. EST 2004 Mindahome has been connecting Australian Home Owners with House & Pet Sitters for 18yrs. 13 Nov 2023 - 26 Nov 2023. Filled with an abundance of international house sitting opportunities (especially in countries like the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia), it’s the ideal choice for both. We are a family run business, trusted by tens of thousands of British house sitters & pet owners. Housesitters’ duties normally include keeping the house and gardens neat and tidy. Join Aussie House Sitters. The site is very easy to use and up to 100 new house sit adverts are placed each week. Mindahome Australia. Cadiar is a small town in Southern Spain situated about an hour and a half from Granada in the Alpujarra region which is popular with tourists who enjoy walking, climbing and cycling. Mindahome Australia. Here are the resources for getting started as a. Find a house sitter or a job, join for free, and enjoy the benefits of a safe and secure community. Mexico. We would like someone who has their. Important house and pet sitters build the best possible profile to stand out in the crowd. Australia, and the USA. The easiest way to become a house sitter in Australia is through websites and online adverts. Find house sits. Best Australian House Sitting Sites (Costs) There are a number of Australian house-sitting sites. House sitting with garden and maintenance help on the foothills of stunning Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy. Tomatoes got up to $29. HouseSit Search. In some cases the home owner may allocated rooms (such as a study), "off limits" and even lock that. After all, the best house sitting website is the one that successfully lands you your first house sitting gig. Brittnay teaches how to start house sitting and how becoming a house sitter can help you save money on accommodation and. House Sitters Canada. Australia 4,300, New Zealand 2,300; Workaway Oceania – Australia 578, New Zealand 300. Over the past 5 years, we have looked after almost 40 homes. Usually there is a pet or two to be cared for. Trusted House Sitters isn’t the only place to find house sitter jobs though. Your Sitter takes care of your pet at your home overnight. Luxury House Sitting ($25 per year) This is a worldwide service, with listings in the U. This membership fee comes with unlimited listing and messaging to house owners. Aussie owned & run. Fill and submit the member application form then pay the membership fee. Find house sits. The Trusted Housesitters platform is particularly big in Europe, Australia, and the USA. In writing these reviews, we spent two weeks each house sitting in Nashville, Austin, and Denver and a full six weeks in the Philippines (yes, the life of a blogger can be glorious) and had an amazing couple look after our house, dog and two cats for that. 6. At the age of 44, Mike Coates is flipping a stereotype and moving into a granny flat in his mother's suburban backyard. Find out how to house and pet sit or find a trusted sitter today. Owners join free. One or more bedrooms is made available, and it's generally expected that the living areas, kitchen, garden, etc. We require a house/pet sitter for 3 weeks from 14 December 2023 to 3 January 2024. Mindahome UK. Register. In the 6 months that we have been members of a house sitting website we have spent 6 weeks looking after a farm in NSW, a fortnight in a house by the beach on the Central Coast, 6 weeks near Coffs. Websites such as Aussie House Sitters have house sitting opportunities all around Australia. If you’re interested in particular countries, many have their own specific sites. Many house-sitting websites, such as Trusted Housesitter and Nomador, offer a platform for homeowners to connect with potential house-sitters and vice versa. Melbourne is a buzzing metropolis […]House sitting jobs in Sydney. Paid pet sitters sometimes live-in. Our go to house sitting sites are Trusted Housesitters and Aussie. 100% FREE to place an ad & contact sitters. House Sitter Wanted. We departed Australia again in June 2018 and arrived back in Australia June 2019. Find house sits. Free house and pet sitting in exchange for free accommodation. House Sitters can provide high quality care for homes. It’s a great place to start for first-time sitters looking to find their first gig in the United States, Canada, Europe, or. 2. Happy House Sitters. Plus do other jobs as agreed e. Happy House Sitters. Early Childhood Teachers and Teaching Assistants. com is a UK-based. Register with email. If you have a soft spot for man’s best friend, Rover might be one of the best paid house sitting jobs for you. Discount. HouseSitMexico. You can rely on their experience in the house-sitting game and know you’ll be offered excellent properties. Complete and submit your house sitter profile. Country-specific House Sitting Websites. Bringing home owners and house sitters together since 2005. That trip saw us house and pet sitting in Cyprus, France (several), Italy, Bulgaria and the Greek Islands, when not house sitting we explored Switzerland, Romania and Turkey. The best house-sitting websites in Australia. Provide Great References. Clear all filters. Join House Sitting Websites. Mindahome Australia. S. Number of sitters applied: 7. The cost around $149 per year depending on which tier you pick. You can stroll around the garden with your pet friends, breathe in the fresh air and take in the spectacular scenery. 2. How it works for House Sitters. Finding house sitters in Victoria. So it makes sense to consider using their house swap website, too. So when I am house sitting I am earning a living wage. At least 6-12 months ahead of your travels. Belgium. Aussie owned & run. HouseSitMexico. Fortunately for budget travellers or house sitters, most of the sights around Circular Quay and The Rocks can be explored on foot completely free of charge. Australia. Step 3: Obtain a Criminal Record Check. We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of country throughout Australia and acknowledge their continuing connection to land, waters and community. Yearly Membership Fees for House Sitters . To connect with experienced house sitters around the world, please login or register as a home owner. House sitting in Australia is a fabulous way for families to holiday for free – whether you’re after a weekend away or in it for the long term. There are always heaps of house sitting jobs in Brisbane; it is an amazing city to house sit, and Aussie House Sitters is the best way to make that happen. Trusted House Sitters is the only global house-sitting website with a handy app, and the biggest bonus is the search alert function. Join TrustedHousesitters' pet-loving community today and start browsing for new house sitting opportunities in Montréal, Quebec, Canada! Browse the latest house sitting assignments and discover what you and your new furry friend. Mexico. Clear all filters. Happy house sitting!There are plenty of house-sitting websites that cover Mexico. Australia, Italy, France, Greece, Montenegro, Malaysia, Thailand, Ireland, The UK, and a cat on a catamaran in the Caribbean! The House Sitting Passion: My journey. 12 Nov 2023 - 23 Nov 2023. 90+ housesits. Luxury House Sitting. Discover amazing sits around the world. By choosing a reputable website (one that has been operating for many years) you can be certain that the homes on offer are genuine. The #1 way to hire a. . Join House Sitting Websites: To find long term house sitting assignments we use Trusted House Sitters, Luxury House Sitting and House Sit Search. Cons of Trusted House Sitters. For the past four years we have been house sitting and saved over $100 000. Aussie House Sitters is a big fan, and corporate supporter of RSPCA Australia, who do extraordinary work 24/7 for pets and other animals nationwide. Currently, we focus on domestic house sitting in Australia after being abroad for nearly four years. Although they’ve only been in the game since 2010, they have a wide variety of house sits available and boast one of the largest user populations for both owners and sitters. Find the perfect pet sitting assignment on TrustedHousesitters. We have been assisting the house sitting community for well over a decade. House sitting in Australia is a genuine opportunity to save a lot of money, both for your arrival accommodation and for your travels too. 2001 – The WORLD’S first international house sitting company. The length of a sitting job can vary from about a week to six months, occasionally a house owner will look for house carers for a longer period. Australia. Find house sits. Every month, our members save over a million dollars in rent and pet boarding fees. Whether you’re in search of dog sitters, cat sitters, or any other pet sitters, our trusted network connects you with caring individuals who offer their services without charging for travel. Yes, this city is an amazing place to house sit, and Aussie House Sitters is the best way to make that happen. House sitter members pay the lowest annual fee on the web. Aussie House Swap is a great house-swapping website for Australia. Melbourne is a buzzing metropolis […]House sitting jobs in Sydney. It is one of Australia’s most popular sites for homeowners so has lots of house sitting opportunities in Australia. View. A live-in Housesitter can avoid the tell-tale build up of junk mail, and overgrown lawns. Direct and honest communication is key to successful house sitting, so don’t be shy. Crammed with an abundance of worldwide home sitting alternatives (particularly in nations just like the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia), it’s the best alternative for. They don’t offer the same level of perks as Trusted Housesitters, but their. Quickly find your next house sitting job in Portugal from multiple websites, with powerful filters for pets, locations, dates, and duration. Have a fantastic time. Family of six. Housesitting offers free accommodation and a chance to explore new places. Mexico. HappyHousesitters. With more members on both sides of the house sitting fence than any other country exclusive house sitting website, Aussie is the undisputed market leader for house sitting Australia. While the interface won’t wow you, it’s my favorite international house sitting website! $50 per year ($45 with discount) The Good: House Carers is an industry veteran launched when the internet was still just a baby. Register with. While house sitting is a big responsibility, remember why you’re doing this in the first place — to explore a new place and have fun! That being said, always honor your commitment. FREE to join, free to place a house Ad - for ever! SECURE: In-house messaging keeps it safe. Ormond Beach, Florida, United States Visit Website. ⇒GoCompare Features, Functions and Fees side-by-side of the best websites for house sitting Australia. Rating / Location. How it works for owners: Place your free job ad. 2. There are two types of house-sitting websites in Australia: those with paid house-sitting jobs for locals and sites where the sitters pet sit for accommodation only. Sell them on why you are the right person to care for their house. Disadvantages of House Sitting. com is a UK-based. How We Started House Sitting (+ Saved $100,00 Doing It!) We are Britt and Jay (otherwise known as The Travelling House Sitters). Region: Adelaide - Western & Beach Suburbs. We’ve collected a list of qualities to look for when choosing a house-sitting website. Happy House Sitters attracts more home owners than any other Australian website. HOME & GARDEN: Security and maintenance. create/edit/show/hide your listing instantly. House and pet minding is a convenient alternative to an expensive kennel or cattery and dog and cat boarding. The most popular legitimate housesitting websites are filled with great opportunities for house-sitters, offering a free stay in exchange for watching a pet or keeping a house duly occupied. Two year old, four bedroom, two bathroom house on a 470 sq. We provide a safe & effective service, backed by friendly support. By choosing a reputable website (one that has been operating for many years) you can be certain that the homes on offer are genuine. having fun with pets (and even learning how to play soccer with one dog!) buying maple syrup from a Vermont farmer. I have cared for 25 dogs, 35 cats 1 turtle, and 1 rabbit over 40+ houses in 15 countries over 5 years. We found the best sites for Australia are a combination of TrustedHousesitters and AussieHouseSitters. It can range from totally free, to $129 USD per year for the largest, most popular of house sitting platforms. There’s also an 18-month plan for $85 AUD and a 4-month plan for $60. House-sitters pay the site $60 for an annual membership, which includes free ID checks for all adults in your family. As mentioned, there are no shortage of house sitting websites for sits in Australia, and we've listed all of the reputable platforms below. 30. Your Profile on a house sitting website is your introduction to the home owner. Aussie House Sitters is the largest and most active house sitting community in Australia. Homeowners list their property on house sitting websites, and interested house. To view a list of house sitters willing to house sit in your area please use the drop down menu. First and foremost, Trusted Housesitters is the largest house sitting platform on the internet, and it is undoubtedly one of the best house sitting websites available. But, before you head out on the adventure of a lifetime, you first need to find the perfect house sitting job on one of the best house sitting websites. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. Our destination selection involves considering cities of interest, securing the longest house sit within a 5 to 10-hour driving distance, assessing the weather for the month, and establishing a connection with the homeowners and their pets. A site like Pawshake might not be the best if you don’t want to take care of animals. HouseSit Search. Bringing home owners and house sitters together since 2005. You can stroll around the garden with your pet friends, breathe in the fresh air and take in the spectacular scenery. Clear all filters. Again, not true! My average house sit length is ten days for both my unpaid and paid house sits in Sydney. On websites like Aussie House Sitters or Trusted Housesitters, house sitters do not get paid. Aussie House Sitters is the. These sites are. United Kingdom. It’s supportive. TrustedHousesitters has blocked me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for trying to speak out. United Kingdom. Find house sits. Small eco hobbyfarm in the meadows. The best house sitting websites: Trusted House sitters Australia . com, with 24. World-wide house sitting website that has house sits available in over 130 countries. See the latest house and pet sitting opportunities in All countries at MindMyHouse. Adelaide - Eastern Suburbs. House Sitting opportunities can range from a few days to up to a year, which allows you to travel and work all over the country while looking after people’s houses. Sitters can set up a search in a specific area for the dates they need and receive an alert every time a listing goes up. Nomador is another house-sitting site for those traveling globally. It will ensure. As a house sitter – and pet sitter – you'll be greeted into a home away from home by an adorable animal to keep you. The easiest way to become a house sitter in Australia is through websites and online adverts. 2021 WINNER: LUX TRAVEL & TOURISM AWARDS - Best Online House Sitting Search Platform, Australia 2020 WINNER: FEEFO - Gold Trusted Service Award 2019 WINNER: APAC EXCELLENCE AWARDS - Most Trusted Pet & House Sitting Platform, Australia 2018 WINNER: OPTUS BUSINESS AWARDS - Excellence in Customer Service. Mindahome UK. 12 Nov 2023 - 15 Dec 2023 (Approx) 12 Nov 2023 - 26 Nov 2023. Most house-sitters end up saving more than $15,600 per year by house-sitting instead of renting. nz 15% discount with code HSMAG15. FREE to join, free to place a house Ad - for ever! SECURE: In-house messaging keeps it safe. Daily photo updates on Wellness & Activity sent by the sitter to you'd. You can also favorite sits, so you can be the first to apply when dates are available. We are not fans of the site structure and architecture though. Mind My House advertises that their house sitters work for free. House sitting is becoming popular around the world. 8am - 8 pm, 7 days Contact. Just use the filter function to search for sits that “family friendly”. Chat with and choose a sitter via the website’s messaging service. Joining these communities is vital in being able to secure a house-sitting job. 2. We are looking for a couple to care for our much loved farm. Must be comfortable with a 5 minute job taking an hour. Find 1000s of House Sitting Jobs in Australia. House Sitters often choose the lifestyle as a smart way to save money. Luxury House Sitting has enabled us to fulfill that desire while serving others. The membership starts at $129 a year. We Compare the world's ¹best house sitting websites - platforms that have stood the test of time connecting home owners with free house and pet sitters. Find the perfect house for you Membership Details Join now Find a house Clear Search SearchAustralian House Sitting Websites: Rating / Location: Membership Costs: Aussie House Sitters (Best Overall Australia) 9/10 – AUSTRALIA: $79 AUD/year:. 2 for a year. Quickly find your next house sitting job in Portugal from multiple websites, with powerful filters for pets, locations, dates, and duration. They exchange passionate pet care for free accommodation, gaining a wealth of experiences and memories to last a lifetime. TrustedHousesitters is a blessing for those who love to travel, and the website is easy to use, so well put together. House sitting has been the heart and soul of my incredible six-year adventure, taking me to 10 countries, 40 homes, and allowing me to care for over 45 animals. When initially deciding on becoming a member of a house-sitting website, one factor we had to consider was cost. , with a huge variety of available sits. Free house sitters always live-in. HouseSitMexico. Website no longer in existence (Update 2020) Happy House Sitters. For instance, Sydney (Australia) House Sitters or Yucatan (Mexico) House Sitters. HouseSitMexico. Home owners want to get to know the people who will be living in their home. We found signing up to all the major house sitting sites helped us. LOVING in-home care for your pets. Mindahome Australia. Find loving in-home care for your pets. Join a House-Sitting Website. 00 per year. com and mindmyhouse. S. Overall Best House Sitting Website in Australia and Best Long Term House Sitting Website: Aussie House Sitters Pros + The most houses and sitters available. Pet Care - Tick boxes for the types of animals (inc. Every day we connect homeowners with kindhearted house sitters who care for their home, pets and garden in exchange. To view a list of house sitters willing to house sit in your area please use the drop down menu. Cherry tomatoes were in the mid-to-high $30s. Sit Length - less than a week through to 2 months+. Know which house sitting websites are best for house sitting as a free service in Australia, New Zealand, UK, America, Canada and Mexico. I decided to become a pet sitter in Perth and joined the biggest house-sitting website in Australia. 2021 WINNER: LUX TRAVEL & TOURISM AWARDS - Best Online House Sitting Search Platform, Australia 2020 WINNER: FEEFO - Gold Trusted Service Award 2019. Italy. Many Aussies love to travel and usually for extended periods. We provide a safe & effective service, backed by friendly support. Home sitting is without doubt one of the best methods for vacationers and digital nomads to discover the world on a price range. Sit Features - family friendly, caravan space, own pets welcome, etc. Your pet spends the day with your Sitter at their place or at your home. Try TrustedHousesitters for international sits including Australia with a 25% Discount Click here to subscribe - no code required. Price: $ 129-259; Nomador: Nomador was originally called Ilidor, an agency specializing in house sits in France. HouseSit Search. Aussie House Sitters is a trusted and award-winning service that connects house owners and sitters for free accommodation and pet care. United Kingdom. Paid house and pet sitters are typically engaged to pop-in to care for pets while the home owner is away. $84 (Code HSMAG15 = 15% Discount) Australian House Sitters. are all made available. Australia's original and best house sitting company. Want to find 5-star dog sitters or care for pets while house sitting? Join our kind community of pet sitters and owners helping all animals stay happy at home. enjoying a 4th of July celebration in a small town. By not paying rent, many save for a deposit on their own home, for a new car, or that dream overseas holiday. Still the cheapest annual house sitter membership on the web!Quickly find your next house sitting job in Australia from multiple websites, with powerful filters for pets, locations, dates, and duration. $79 AUD/year. Aussie House Sitters has won numerous awards and is widely regarded as the best house sitting platform in Australia. United Kingdom. They have a ton of sits in Canada, so if you’re. Australians plan long before going away and want to have everything settled with their pets and house a long time in advance. MORE HOUSE SITTING JOBS than any other AU site. Mindahome Australia. It is the largest pet sitting site in Australia, providing market leading security, support and service. Happy House Sitters. After some research into the various house sitting websites, we joined Aussie House Sitters and began the process of looking for pet sits locally in New South Wales, Australia. Elsewhere there’s the original house sitting website, House Carers ($50 per year). Find house sits. House Sitters Canada. Mexico. These are effective job sites that act as a tool to help you find jobs or contact active house sitters. If you hate paying rent and love being around pets, you'll enjoy your role as a house sitter and pet minder. Browse the latest listings of home owners in need of house sitters with pets, gardens, pools and more. $84 (Code HSMAG15 = 15% Discount) Australian House Sitters. These are also the. au, aussiehousesitters. Simply register, create a profile and respond to offers. How it Works. Don’t be too formal. Websites available. HouseSittingTasmania. House sitting is one of the greatest ways for travelers and digital nomads to explore the world on a budget. Italy. Handy Man Work. com. With a food and arts scene that is second to none in Australia, Melbourne is a great place to start your house sitting journey.